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Flexible cellulose composite film incorporated by carbon nitride@graphene oxide prepared by a “compressed-aerogel” approach for efficient thermal management
Ceramics International ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.01.131
Yicheng Liu , Yuan Zhang , Yifan Li , Tina Zhang , Huaqing Xie , Wei Yu

Heat dissipation films originating from polymer composite with improved thermal conductivity are becoming potential candidates for effective thermal management of next-generation electronic products, profiting from their soft nature and good electrical insulation. In this work, a novel hybrid filler composed of carbon nitride (C3N4) and graphene oxide (GO) is synthesized and further introduced into the cellulose matrix. The electrical insulation of the composite is maintained, attributed to the low electrical conductivity of C3N4. Meanwhile, the bridged chemical bond between C3N4 and GO reduces the interfacial thermal resistance and promotes heat transfer. By hot-pressing the aerogel intermediate, the directional arrangement of fillers is achieved, leading to favorable flexibility and mechanical behavior, and superior in-plane thermal conductivity (5.74 W/mK) of the composite. Thermal characterizations reveal that lower thermal contact resistance (TCR), improved thermal stability, and the relatively lower coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) together facilitate its practical application in thermal management. The practical performance test is also performed which fully demonstrates its favorable temperature regulation ability, reflected by a 2.7 °C temperature decrement observed in the cell phone battery heat dissipation test.



源自具有改进导热性的聚合物复合材料的散热膜正成为下一代电子产品有效热管理的潜在候选者,得益于其柔软性和良好的电绝缘性。在这项工作中,合成了一种由氮化碳 (C 3 N 4 ) 和氧化石墨烯 (GO) 组成的新型混合填料,并将其进一步引入到纤维素基质中。由于 C 3 N 4的低电导率,复合材料的电绝缘得以保持。同时,C 3 N 4之间的桥接化学键GO降低了界面热阻,促进了传热。通过热压气凝胶中间体,实现了填料的定向排列,从而使复合材料具有良好的柔韧性和机械性能,以及优异的面内热导率 (5.74 W/mK)。热特性表明,较低的热接触电阻 (TCR)、改进的热稳定性和相对较低的热膨胀系数 (CTE) 共同促进了其在热管理中的实际应用。还进行了实际性能测试,充分证明了其良好的温度调节能力,在手机电池散热测试中观察到2.7°C的温度下降。
