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Review of rotating wing dynamic stall: Experiments and flow control
Progress in Aerospace Sciences ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2023.100887
Anthony D. Gardner , Anya R. Jones , Karen Mulleners , Jonathan W. Naughton , Marilyn J. Smith

Dynamic stall has been a technical challenge and a fluid dynamical subject of interest for more than fifty years; but in the last decade significant advances have been made in the understanding, prediction, modeling, and control of dynamic stall on rotors. This paper provides a summary of the state of the art of dynamic stall experiments and future directions in the understanding of dynamic stall on rotors. Experimental data sets are discussed, as well the direction of future research for control of dynamic stall. Coordinated testing between airfoils and rotating blades, as well as close integration between computational and experimental studies were found to be productive approaches. Advanced analysis methods, including statistical methods, modal representations, and artificial intelligence methods have led to significant advances in the understanding of dynamic stall. Investigations of dynamic stall control devices have allowed many useful targeted investigations of the transition to separated flow, but have not yet resulted in a commercially implemented device.



