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Unravelling the Effect of Alkali Metal Deposition on Co3O4 for Catalytic Decomposition of N2O
ChemCatChem ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-04 , DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202201449
Jinru Sun 1 , Aolei Song 2 , Yu Tian 3 , Hua Zhan 3 , Jianlin Deng 4 , Hong Wang 3 , Ming Ke 5

The deposition of alkali metal Na improved the performance of Na-Co3O4 catalyst for DCD of N2O at low temperatures. Na not only facilitated the reduction of Co3+ to Co2+, but also promoted the surface decomposition step of N2O (i. e., the oxidation of Co2+ to Co3+ by giving electrons) at low temperatures.


揭示碱金属沉积对 Co3O4 催化分解 N2O 的影响

碱金属Na的沉积提高了Na-Co 3 O 4催化剂对N 2 O低温DCD的性能。Na不仅促进了Co 3+还原为Co 2+ ,而且在低温下促进了N 2 O的表面分解步骤(即通过给电子将Co 2+氧化为Co 3+ )。