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Synergetic Excess PbI2 and Reduced Pb Leakage Management Strategy for 24.28% Efficient, Stable and Eco-Friendly Perovskite Solar Cells
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-02 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202214102
Yuhong Zhang 1 , Lin Xu 1 , Yanjie Wu 1 , Huan Zhang 1 , Fancong Zeng 1 , Jiahe Xing 1 , Bin Liu 1 , Yu Qi 1 , Biao Dong 1 , Xue Bai 1 , Hongwei Song 1

Introducing excess PbI2 has proven to be an effective in situ passivation strategy for enhancing efficiency of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Nevertheless, the photoinstability and hysteresis are still tough issues owing to the photolysis nature of PbI2. Moreover, the humidity-related degradation of perovskite films is also a difficult territory to cover in such an in situ passivation strategy. Herein, a synergistic strategy is reported via initiatively inducing vertical graded PbI2 distribution (GPD) in the whole perovskite film and capping a cis-Ru(H2dcbpy)(dnbpy)(NCS)2 (Z907) internal encapsulation (IE) layer on the surface to ameliorate the above issues. The GPD design can enhance luminescence, prolong carrier lifetimes, ascertaining the improvement of efficiency and elimination of photoinstability in the PSCs. Besides, the introduced IE layer not only can promote the moisture and thermal resistance, but also inhibit Pb leakage and ion migration in the PSCs. Through the synergetic regulations, the resultant PSCs exhibit an impressive open circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.253 V, fill factor of 81.25%, and power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 24.28%. Moreover, the PSCs maintain 91% of its initial PCE at relative humidity of 85% after 500 h aging and 94% under continuous heating at 85 °C after 750 h aging.


用于 24.28% 高效、稳定和环保钙钛矿太阳能电池的协同过量 PbI2 和减少 Pb 泄漏管理策略

引入过量的 PbI 2已被证明是提高钙钛矿太阳能电池 (PSC) 效率的有效原位钝化策略。然而,由于 PbI 2的光解性质,光稳定性和滞后性仍然是棘手的问题。此外,钙钛矿薄膜与湿度相关的降解也是这种原位钝化策略难以涵盖的领域。在此,通过在整个钙钛矿薄膜中主动诱导垂直分级 PbI 2分布 (GPD) 和封端顺式-Ru(H 2 dcbpy)(dnbpy)(NCS) 2来报道一种协同策略(Z907) 表面内部封装(IE)层改善上述问题。GPD设计可以增强发光,延长载流子寿命,确定PSC中效率的提高和光不稳定性的消除。此外,引入的IE层不仅可以提高耐湿性和耐热性,还可以抑制PSC中的Pb泄漏和离子迁移。通过协同调节,所得 PSC 表现出令人印象深刻的 1.253 V开路电压 ( V OC )、81.25% 的填充因子和 24.28% 的功率转换效率 (PCE)。此外,PSC 在老化 500 小时后在 85% 的相对湿度下保持其初始 PCE 的 91%,在老化 750 小时后在 85°C 的连续加热下保持 94%。