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Reducing the production of acrylamide during the roasting of balloon flower roots in consumer appliances and industrial equipment
Food Science and Biotechnology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10068-023-01242-z
Min Gyu Lee 1 , Hyebin Han 1 , Seung Hwan Ham 1 , Suyoon Lee 1 , Young Jin Choi 1, 2, 3 , Jungwoo Hahn 4

This study aimed to determine what conditions were needed to reduce the production of acrylamide when balloon flower roots [Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq. A. DC.)] were heated. The conditions of temperature, time, and the type of equipment (i.e., consumer appliance or industrial equipment) were the important variables in the experiment. The official criterion for a recommended standard of acrylamide in tea product is less than 1000 µg/kg as determined by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in South Korea. A response surface methodology was used to determine whether the heated samples met the safety requirements. The most significant condition for consumer appliances was time and for industrial equipment was temperature. The optimal roasting time was 3.01 min with a consumer appliance and 4.18 min with industrial equipment at 110 ℃, a typical temperature in the field. The acrylamide content of the tested sample was significantly in agreement with the predicted amount (R2 > 0.950).



本研究旨在确定在气球花生根时需要什么条件来减少丙烯酰胺的产生[ Platycodon grandiflorum(Jacq. A. DC.)] 被加热。温度、时间和设备类型(即消费电器或工业设备)的条件是实验中的重要变量。韩国食品药品安全部确定的茶产品中丙烯酰胺推荐标准的官方标准是低于 1000 µg/kg。响应面方法用于确定加热样品是否满足安全要求。消费电器最重要的条件是时间,而工业设备最重要的条件是温度。在 110 ℃(田间典型温度)下,消费类设备的最佳烘烤时间为 3.01 分钟,工业设备的最佳烘烤时间为 4.18 分钟。供试样品的丙烯酰胺含量与预测值显着一致(R 2  > 0.950)。
