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The co-combustion of pellets with pistachio shells in residential units additionally equipped by Pt-based catalyst
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s13399-023-03845-2
Jiří Ryšavý , Jana Serenčíšová , Jiří Horák , Tadeáš Ochodek

There are several published studies evaluating the possibilities of thermal and non-thermal utilization of pistachio hard shells in many technical sectors; however, there are no relevant data about the possibilities of usage of this homogenous biomass-based by-product as a fuel for automatic household heating appliances for partial or full substitution of standard ENplus A1 pellets, which is the aim of the presented study. The composition and basic properties of both fuels were compared as well as the flue gas composition formed during the 6 different fuel mixture combustion in two real-scale pellet burners. The mass concentration of observed pollutants (CO, total suspended particles, and C3H8) in the flue gas was strongly affected by increasing of pistachio shell mass fraction in the fuel mixture (from 10 to 100%). In comparison to the combustion of ENplus A1 pellets, CO was increased up to 25.9 times, total suspended particles up to 15.3 times, and C3H8 up to 13.7 times. Based on the results of real combustion tests, the equations were listed, describing the increase of the mass concentration of pollutants for the whole spectrum of pellets/pistachio shell ratios applied on the chosen designs of the pellet burners. The Pt-based oxidation honeycomb catalyst, additionally installed at the combustion unit outlets for flue gas purification, showed conversion rates up to 82.2% in the case of CO and up to 33.1% in the case of C3H8. This enables the reaching of the same or lower mass concentrations of mentioned pollutants in the flue gas, formed during the co-combustion of appropriately selected fuel ratios in comparison to ENplus A1 pellet combustion without the catalyst.


额外配备 Pt 基催化剂的住宅单元中颗粒与开心果壳的共燃

有几项已发表的研究评估了开心果硬壳在许多技术领域的热利用和非热利用的可能性;然而,没有关于使用这种均质生物质副产品作为自动家用加热设备的燃料以部分或完全替代标准 ENplus A1 颗粒的可能性的相关数据,这是本研究的目的。比较了两种燃料的成分和基本特性,以及在两个真实规模的颗粒燃烧器中 6 种不同燃料混合物燃烧期间形成的烟气成分。观测污染物质量浓度(CO、总悬浮颗粒物、C 3 H 8) 在烟道气中受到燃料混合物中开心果壳质量分数增加的强烈影响(从 10% 到 100%)。与ENplus A1颗粒的燃烧相比,CO增加了25.9倍,总悬浮颗粒增加了15.3倍,C 3 H 8增加了13.7倍。根据实际燃烧测试的结果,列出了方程式,描述了适用于所选颗粒燃烧器设计的整个颗粒/开心果壳比例范围内污染物质量浓度的增加。在燃烧装置出口处额外安装的 Pt 基氧化蜂窝催化剂用于烟气净化,对于 CO 的转化率高达 82.2%,对于 C 3 H 8的转化率高达 33.1%. This enables the reaching of the same or lower mass concentrations of mentioned pollutants in the flue gas, formed during the co-combustion of appropriately selected fuel ratios in comparison to ENplus A1 pellet combustion without the catalyst.
