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Integrating Creative Thinking Skills Pedagogies into a Higher Education Visual Arts Course
The International Journal of Art & Design Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-31 , DOI: 10.1111/jade.12452
Cheung On Tam

Although there has been increasing international emphasis on creativity in education, many creativity training programmes have focused on enhancing students' creative thinking skills with few studies on how these skills can be integrated into the teaching of subject disciplines. As a member of a Community of Practice project that ran from spring 2021 to summer 2022 at my university, I worked with ten university teachers from multiple disciplines to develop and implement instructional strategies to foster students' creative thinking skills. The paper documented the development, implementation and evaluation of creative thinking skills teaching strategies for a higher education course in visual arts. Both the development of the teaching strategies and the measurement of the impact on student learning have undergone vigorous research procedures and made reference to the existing literature. The effectiveness of the activities was assessed using multiple methods including the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, a self-report inventory, and a focus group interview. The results indicated the new learning activities enhanced students' creative thinking skills. They also showed that creativity can be developed through teaching while revealing that playfulness, freedom and structure, group interactions, and problem-solving activities are beneficial for the development of creative thinking skills. Readers may better understand the different ways in which creative thinking skills instruction materials can be developed and incorporated into teaching of visual arts by making reference to the strategies suggested and the process of development in the paper.



尽管国际上越来越重视创造力教育,但许多创造力培训项目都侧重于提高学生的创造性思维能力,而很少研究如何将这些技能融入学科教学。作为我大学 2021 年春季至 2022 年夏季实践社区项目的成员,我与来自多个学科的十名大学教师合作制定和实施教学策略,以培养学生的创造性思维能力。本文记录了视觉艺术高等教育课程创造性思维技能教学策略的开发、实施和评估。教学策略的发展和对学生学习影响的衡量都经过了积极的研究程序,并参考了现有文献。使用多种方法评估活动的有效性,包括托伦斯创造性思维测试、自我报告清单和焦点小组访谈。结果表明,新的学习活动增强了学生的创造性思维能力。他们还表明,创造力可以通过教学来发展,同时揭示游戏性、自由和结构、团队互动和解决问题的活动有利于创造性思维技能的发展。