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LIFT and the London 2012 Olympics: Spectacular Experiences
New Theatre Quarterly ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-30 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266464x22000343
Phoebe Patey-Ferguson

In 2012, London staged the Olympic Games and the associated Cultural Olympiad, which produced the ‘London 2012’ Festival, funding a wide series of events including many productions by the London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT). A decade on, this article considers the impact of these overlapping events during a period of unprecedented austerity in the United Kingdom, and how arts events might be considered as having colluded with the government’s own agenda. The connection between neoliberal governance, with its programme of increased privatization, rapid gentrification, and the opportunistic marketing of diversity is examined with reference to increasing nationalism through Olympiad displays, together with the increasing influence of the ‘experience economy’ as defined by Joseph Pine and James Gilmore. Phoebe Patey-Ferguson is a Lecturer in Theatre and Social Change at Rose Bruford College. This article, derived from their PhD on LIFT in its social, cultural, and political context, follows ‘LIFT and the GLC versus Thatcher: London’s Cultural Battleground in 1981’ (NTQ 141) and, in the same issue, Patey-Ferguson’s interview with LIFT’s founding Artistic Directors, Rose Fenton and Lucy Neal.


LIFT 和 2012 年伦敦奥运会:壮观的体验

2012 年,伦敦举办了奥运会和相关的文化奥林匹克运动会,由此产生了“伦敦 2012”节,资助了一系列广泛的活动,包括伦敦国际戏剧节 (LIFT) 的许多作品。十年过去了,本文探讨了英国史无前例的紧缩时期这些重叠事件的影响,以及艺术活动如何被视为与政府自己的议程勾结。新自由主义治理及其增加私有化、快速中产阶级化的计划与多样性的机会主义营销之间的联系,参照通过奥林匹克展示增加的民族主义,以及约瑟夫·派恩和詹姆斯·吉尔摩。菲比·帕蒂-弗格森 (Phoebe Patey-Ferguson) 是罗斯布鲁福德学院戏剧与社会变革专业的讲师。这篇文章源自他们在 LIFT 的社会、文化和政治背景下的博士学位,紧随“LIFT 和 GLC 与撒切尔夫人:1981 年伦敦的文化战场”(NTQ 141),以及在同一期中,Patey-Ferguson 对LIFT 的创始艺术总监 Rose Fenton 和 Lucy Neal。