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Evidence for [2Fe-2S]2+ and Linear [3Fe-4S]1+ Clusters in a Unique Family of Glycine/Cysteine-Rich Fe-S Proteins from Megavirinae Giant Viruses
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-27 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c10484
Alejandro Villalta 1 , Batoul Srour 2 , Audrey Lartigue 1 , Martin Clémancey 3 , Deborah Byrne 4 , Florence Chaspoul 5 , Antoine Loquet 6 , Bruno Guigliarelli 2 , Geneviève Blondin 3 , Chantal Abergel 1 , Bénédicte Burlat 2

We have discovered a protein with an amino acid composition exceptionally rich in glycine and cysteine residues in the giant virus mimivirus. This small 6 kDa protein is among the most abundant proteins in the icosahedral 0.75 μm viral particles; it has no predicted function but is probably essential for infection. The aerobically purified red-brownish protein overproduced inEscherichia coli contained both iron and inorganic sulfide. UV/vis, EPR, and Mössbauer studies revealed that the viral protein, coined GciS, accommodated two distinct Fe-S clusters: a diamagnetic S = 0 [2Fe-2S]2+ cluster and a paramagnetic S = 5/2 linear [3Fe-4S]1+ cluster, a geometry rarely stabilized in native proteins. Orthologs of mimivirus GciS were identified within all clades of Megavirinae, a Mimiviridae subfamily infecting Acanthamoeba, including the distantly related tupanviruses, and displayed the same spectroscopic features. Thus, these glycine/cysteine-rich proteins form a new family of viral Fe-S proteins sharing unique Fe-S cluster binding properties.


[2Fe-2S]2+ 和线性 [3Fe-4S]1+ 簇存在于来自巨型病毒亚科巨病毒的富含甘氨酸/半胱氨酸的 Fe-S 蛋白的独特家族中的证据

我们在巨病毒拟菌病毒中发现了一种蛋白质,其氨基酸组成特别富含甘氨酸和半胱氨酸残基。这种 6 kDa 的小蛋白质是二十面体 0.75 μm 病毒颗粒中最丰富的蛋白质之一;它没有预期的功能,但可能是感染所必需的。在大肠杆菌中过量产生的需氧纯化的红棕色蛋白质含有铁和无机硫化物。UV/vis、EPR 和 Mössbauer 研究表明,病毒蛋白 GciS 包含两个不同的 Fe-S 簇:反磁性 S = 0 [2Fe-2S] 2+簇和顺磁性S = 5/2 线性 [3Fe -4S] 1+簇,一种在天然蛋白质中很少稳定的几何结构。拟菌病毒 GciS 的直系同源物在巨型病毒亚科的所有进化枝中都被鉴定出来,巨型病毒亚科是感染棘阿米巴的拟菌病毒科亚科,包括远缘相关的图潘病毒,并显示出相同的光谱特征。因此,这些富含甘氨酸/半胱氨酸的蛋白质形成了一个新的病毒 Fe-S 蛋白家族,它们具有独特的 Fe-S 簇结合特性。