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Self-regulatory processes within and between diverse goals: The multiple goals regulation framework
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-26 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2022.2158828
Yeo-eun Kim 1 , Shirley L. Yu 2 , Christopher A. Wolters 3 , Eric M. Anderman 2


As the pursuit of multiple goals is an inescapable reality in everyday life, students are consistently challenged to self-regulate toward achieving an array of academic goals as well as social and well-being goals. Nevertheless, prominent self-regulated learning models are limited in explaining and guiding how students can self-regulate in the context of multiple goals. Hence, we developed the multiple goals regulation framework that reconceptualizes how students establish, pursue, and adapt an array of goals. We illustrate specific processes (e.g., goal prioritizing, goal shielding, goal switching) that students can engage in to self-regulate both within and between goals. The new framework contributes to the literature in three main ways. First, we challenge the traditional conceptualization of effective self-regulated learning that focuses on the persistent pursuit of a single academic goal without considering the interdependent nature of goals. Second, we facilitate a sustainable and adaptive cycle of self-regulatory processes by highlighting the importance of navigating and negotiating between multiple academic and nonacademic goals. Finally, our effort offers a more inclusive understanding of students’ lived experiences by acknowledging a diverse set of goals that are closely attached to their social and cultural identities.




