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Biomphalaria straminea as an Intermediate Host of a Renal Trematode Species of the Genus Tanaisia (Trematoda: Eucotylidae) in Brazil
Acta Parasitologica ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11686-023-00660-7
Jordana C A Assis 1 , Hudson A Pinto 1


Eucotylid trematodes are parasites of the urinary system of birds with a cosmopolitan distribution. Despite the importance of these flukes, fundamental aspects of their biology, such as intermediate hosts and larval morphology, are poorly known. Herein, the potential involvement of aquatic mollusks in the transmission of a species of Tanaisia is reported for the first time.


During the search of non-emergent larval stages of trematodes in mollusks collected from an urban waterbody from Brazil in February of 2021, 1 out of 18 specimens (5.5%) of Biomphalaria straminea was found harboring sporocysts, cercariae and encysted metacercariae morphologically compatible with those described for eucotylid species. Sequences generated for 28S, ITS-2, and cox1 molecular markers were compared with sequences available in GenBank and subjected to phylogenetic analyses.


Molecular analyses revealed parasite affiliation with members of the genus Tanaisia, given it groped in a strongly supported clade with species of this genus included in the 28S phylogenetic tree. The larvae tentatively identified as Tanaisia sp. can be conspecific with an unpublished isolate of Tanaisia valida found in birds in South Brazil (100% similarity in 28S and ITS-2).


Biomphalaria straminea is reported as a natural host of a species of Tanaisia for the first time. This finding highlights the possibility, so far unknown, of transmission of species of the family Eucotylidae in aquatic environments.


Biophalaria straminea 作为巴西 Tanaisia 属(吸虫纲:真叶藻科)肾吸虫的中间宿主


Eucotylid 吸虫是鸟类泌尿系统的寄生虫,具有世界性分布。尽管这些吸虫很重要,但它们生物学的基本方面,如中间宿主和幼虫形态,却鲜为人知。在此,首次报道了水生软体动物可能参与Tanaisia物种的传播。


2021 年 2 月,在对从巴西城市水体采集的软体动物吸虫的非紧急幼虫阶段进行搜索时,发现18 个Biomphalaria straminea标本中有 1 个(5.5%)含有孢子囊、尾蚴和包囊囊蚴,形态与这些标本相符描述了真子叶物种。将 28S、ITS-2 和cox 1 分子标记生成的序列与 GenBank 中可用的序列进行比较,并进行系统发育分析。


分子分析显示寄生虫与Tanaisia属的成员有联系,因为它在 28S 系统发育树中包含该属物种的强烈支持的进化枝中摸索。幼虫初步鉴定为Tanaisia sp。可以与在巴西南部鸟类中发现的未发表的Tanaisia valida分离株同种(28S 和 ITS-2 有 100% 的相似性)。


Biomphalaria straminea首次被报道为一种Tanaisia的天然宿主。这一发现突显了迄今为止未知的在水生环境中传播 Eucotylidae 物种的可能性。
