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The Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect on display-based light colors and simulated substrate colors
Color Research and Application ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-25 , DOI: 10.1002/col.22839
Gregory High 1 , Phil Green 1 , Peter Nussbaum 1

The Helmholtz-Kohlrausch (H-K) effect is investigated in relation to light colors of every hue, including those typical of print substrate colors that might be simulated on a graphic arts display. A method of adjustment is used in conjunction with a soft-proof setup, in which an achromatic stimulus is adjusted until it has the same lightness appearance as a set of test colors. Higher chroma colors are found to appear lighter than their metric L * would indicate. The H-K effect is found to be quite strong in bluish colors, but negligible in yellowish colors, consistent with several previous studies. However, qualitative analysis reveals a peak H-K effect in red-magenta hues. We propose a modification to Fairchild and Pirrotta's existing H-K lightness appearance function1 which addresses the peak in red hues, and which may prove beneficial in hue-dependent applications.


Helmholtz-Kohlrausch 对基于显示的光色和模拟基板颜色的影响

Helmholtz-Kohlrausch (HK) 效应是针对每种色调的光色进行研究的,包括那些可能在图形艺术显示器上模拟的典型印刷承印物颜色。一种调整方法与软打样设置结合使用,其中调整消色差刺激,直到它具有与一组测试颜色相同的亮度外观。发现较高色度的颜色看起来比它们的度量更亮 大号 * 会表明。发现 HK 效应在蓝色中非常强烈,但在黄色中可以忽略不计,这与之前的几项研究一致。然而,定性分析揭示了红洋红色调的峰值 HK 效应。我们建议对 Fairchild 和 Pirrotta 现有的 HK 亮度外观函数1进行修改,以解决红色调的峰值问题,这可能在依赖于色调的应用中证明是有益的。