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HDF1, a novel flowering time regulator identified in a mutant suppressing sensitivity to red light reduced 1 early flowering
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-25 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-28049-6
Mikael Johansson 1 , Alexander Steffen 1 , Martin Lewinski 1 , Natalie Kobi 1 , Dorothee Staiger 1

Arabidopsis SENSITIVITY TO RED LIGHT REDUCED 1 (SRR1) delays the transition from vegetative to reproductive development in noninductive conditions. A second-site suppressor screen for novel genes that overcome early flowering of srr1-1 identified a range of suppressor of srr1-1 mutants flowering later than srr1-1 in short photoperiods. Here, we focus on mutants flowering with leaf numbers intermediate between srr1-1 and Col. Ssm67 overcomes srr1-1 early flowering independently of day-length and ambient temperature. Full-genome sequencing and linkage mapping identified a causative SNP in a gene encoding a Haloacid dehalogenase superfamily protein, named HAD-FAMILY REGULATOR OF DEVELOPMENT AND FLOWERING 1 (HDF1). Both, ssm67 and hdf1-1 show increased levels of FLC, indicating that HDF1 is a novel regulator of this floral repressor. HDF1 regulates flowering largely independent of SRR1, as the effect is visible in srr1-1 and in Col, but full activity on FLC may require SRR1. Furthermore, srr1-1 has a delayed leaf initiation rate that is dependent on HDF1, suggesting that SRR1 and HDF1 act together in leaf initiation. Another mutant flowering intermediate between srr1-1 and wt, ssm15, was identified as a new allele of ARABIDOPSIS SUMO PROTEASE 1, previously implicated in the regulation of FLC stability.
