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Improving the performance of quantum dot light-emitting diodes by tailoring QD emitters
Nanoscale ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-23 , DOI: 10.1039/d2nr07078b
Zhaohan Li 1, 2 , Jiaojiao Song 2 , Anming Li 1 , Huaibin Shen 2 , Zuliang Du 2

As the emitters of quantum dots (QDs) light-emitting diodes (QLEDs), QDs, which are responsible for the charge injection, charge transportation, and especially exciton recombination, play a significant role in QLEDs. With the crucial advances made in QDs, such as the advancement of synthetic methods and the understanding of luminescence mechanisms, QLEDs also demonstrate a dramatic improvement. Until now, efficiencies of 30.9%, 28.7% and 21.9% have been achieved in red, green and blue devices, respectively. However, in QLEDs, some issues are still to be solved, such as the imbalance of charge injection and exciton quenching processes (defect-assisted recombination, Auger recombination, energy transfer and exciton dissociation under a high electric field). In this review, we will provide an overview of recent advances in the study and understanding of the working mechanism of QLEDs and the exciton quenching mechanism of QDs in devices. Particular emphasis is placed on improving charge injection and suppressing exciton quenching. An in-depth understanding of this progress may help develop guidelines to direct QLED development.


通过定制 QD 发射器提高量子点发光二极管的性能

作为量子点 (QD) 发光二极管 (QLED) 的发射体,QD 负责电荷注入、电荷传输,尤其是激子复合,在 QLED 中发挥着重要作用。随着 QD 取得的重要进展,例如合成方法的进步和对发光机制的理解,QLED 也表现出显着的改进。到目前为止,红色、绿色和蓝色器件的效率分别达到了 30.9%、28.7% 和 21.9%。然而,在QLED中,一些问题仍有待解决,例如电荷注入和激子猝灭过程的不平衡(缺陷辅助复合、俄歇复合、能量转移和高电场下的激子解离)。在这篇评论中,我们将概述 QLED 工作机制和器件中 QD 激子猝灭机制的研究和理解的最新进展。特别强调改进电荷注入和抑制激子猝灭。深入了解这一进展可能有助于制定指导 QLED 开发的指南。