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How About Vanadium-Based Compounds as Cathode Materials for Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries?
Advanced Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-22 , DOI: 10.1002/advs.202206907
Tingting Lv 1, 2 , Yi Peng 2 , Guangxun Zhang 2 , Shu Jiang 2 , Zilin Yang 2 , Shengyang Yang 2 , Huan Pang 2

Aqueous zinc-ion batteries (AZIBs) stand out among many monovalent/multivalent metal-ion batteries as promising new energy storage devices because of their good safety, low cost, and environmental friendliness. Nevertheless, there are still many great challenges to exploring new-type cathode materials that are suitable for Zn2+ intercalation. Vanadium-based compounds with various structures, large layer spacing, and different oxidation states are considered suitable cathode candidates for AZIBs. Herein, the research advances in vanadium-based compounds in recent years are systematically reviewed. The preparation methods, crystal structures, electrochemical performances, and energy storage mechanisms of vanadium-based compounds (e.g., vanadium phosphates, vanadium oxides, vanadates, vanadium sulfides, and vanadium nitrides) are mainly introduced. Finally, the limitations and development prospects of vanadium-based compounds are pointed out. Vanadium-based compounds as cathode materials for AZIBs are hoped to flourish in the coming years and attract more and more researchers' attention.



水系锌离子电池(AZIBs)因其良好的安全性、低成本和环境友好性而在众多一价/多价金属离子电池中脱颖而出,成为有前途的新型储能器件。尽管如此,探索适合Zn 2+插层的新型正极材料仍面临许多巨大挑战。具有各种结构、大层间距和不同氧化态的钒基化合物被认为是 AZIB 的合适阴极候选者。本文系统综述了近年来钒基化合物的研究进展。主要介绍了钒基化合物(磷酸钒、氧化钒、钒酸盐、硫化钒、氮化钒等)的制备方法、晶体结构、电化学性能和储能机理。最后指出了钒基化合物的局限性和发展前景。作为AZIBs阴极材料的钒基化合物有望在未来几年蓬勃发展并吸引越来越多研究人员的关注。