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Towards a point-of-care test to cover atto-femto and pico-nano molar concentration ranges in interleukin 6 detection exploiting PMMA-based plasmonic biosensor chips
Talanta ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2023.124284
Nunzio Cennamo 1 , Angelantonio Piccirillo 2 , Debora Bencivenga 3 , Francesco Arcadio 1 , Marco Annunziata 2 , Fulvio Della Ragione 3 , Luigi Guida 2 , Luigi Zeni 1 , Adriana Borriello 3

Point-of-Care tests based on biomarkers, useful to monitor acute and chronic inflammations, are required for advances in medicine. In this scope, a key role is played by pro-inflammatory cytokines, of which interleukin 6 (IL-6) is generally thought as one of the most relevant. To use IL-6 in real scenarios, detection in ultra-low concentration ranges is required. In this work, two IL-6 biosensors are obtained by exploiting the combination of the same antibody self-assembled monolayer with two different plasmonic probes. This approach has demonstrated, via experimental results, that two different IL-6 concentration ranges can be explored. More specifically, IL-6 in an atto-femto molar range can be detected via polymer-based nanoplasmonic chips. On the other hand, a pico-nano molar range is obtained by a surface plasmon resonance platform in plastic optical fibers. As a proof of concept, the detection of IL-6 at the femto molar range has been obtained in Saliva and Serum. The results show that the proposed sensing approach could be useful in developing Point-of-Care devices based on a general setup with the capability to exploit both the plasmonic biosensor chips to monitor the IL-6 in the concentration range of interest, to provide an important support for the diagnosis and monitoring of oral and systemic diseases.


利用基于 PMMA 的等离子体生物传感器芯片进行即时检测,以涵盖白细胞介素 6 检测中的阿托-飞秒和皮-纳摩尔浓度范围

医学进步需要基于生物标志物的即时检验,可用于监测急性和慢性炎症。在此范围内,促炎细胞因子发挥了关键作用,其中白细胞介素 6 (IL-6) 通常被认为是最相关的细胞因子之一。要在实际场景中使用 IL-6,需要在超低浓度范围内进行检测。在这项工作中,通过利用相同抗体自组装单层与两个不同等离子体探针的组合获得了两个 IL-6 生物传感器。这种方法已经通过实验结果证明,可以探索两种不同的 IL-6 浓度范围。更具体地说,可以通过基于聚合物的纳米等离子体芯片检测阿托飞摩尔范围内的 IL-6。另一方面,皮纳摩尔范围是通过塑料光纤中的表面等离子体共振平台获得的。作为概念证明,已在唾液和血清中检测到飞摩尔范围内的 IL-6。结果表明,所提出的传感方法可用于开发基于通用设置的护理点设备,该设备能够利用两个等离子体生物传感器芯片来监测目标浓度范围内的 IL-6,以提供为口腔和全身疾病的诊断和监测提供重要支持。
