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Tailored Functionalized Protein Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy: Recent Developments and Prospects.
Pharmaceutics ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-03 , DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15010168
Mohamed A A Abdelhamid 1, 2 , Mi-Ran Ki 1, 3 , Amer Ali Abd El-Hafeez 4 , Ryeo Gang Son 1 , Seung Pil Pack 1

Recently, the potential use of nanoparticles for the targeted delivery of therapeutic and diagnostic agents has garnered increased interest. Several nanoparticle drug delivery systems have been developed for cancer treatment. Typically, protein-based nanocarriers offer several advantages, including biodegradability and biocompatibility. Using genetic engineering or chemical conjugation approaches, well-known naturally occurring protein nanoparticles can be further prepared, engineered, and functionalized in their self-assembly to meet the demands of clinical production efficiency. Accordingly, promising protein nanoparticles have been developed with outstanding tumor-targeting capabilities, ultimately overcoming multidrug resistance issues, in vivo delivery barriers, and mimicking the tumor microenvironment. Bioinspired by natural nanoparticles, advanced computational techniques have been harnessed for the programmable design of highly homogenous protein nanoparticles, which could open new routes for the rational design of vaccines and drug formulations. The current review aims to present several significant advancements made in protein nanoparticle technology, and their use in cancer therapy. Additionally, tailored construction methods and therapeutic applications of engineered protein-based nanoparticles are discussed.


