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Mutual socialization during shared media moments: U.S. LGBTQ teens and their parents negotiate identity support
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-20 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqac046
Marie-Louise Mares 1 , Yuchi Anthony Chen 1 , Bradley J Bond 2

Social relational theory proposes that children and parents socialize each other, particularly when knowledge, beliefs, and identities diverge. For families with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) teens, identity-relevant media depictions may spark moments of mutual socialization, including attempts to mediate each other’s viewing and discussions of the teen’s identity. U.S. data from 200 LGBTQ teens (aged 13–18) and one of their parents indicated that 83% of dyads reported that media content had elicited identity-related conversations. Both teens and parents perceived teens to mediate more often than parents, though latent profile analyses suggested distinct dyadic profiles. Although all teens were out to their parent, those with more identity certainty engaged in and received more frequent mediation. For parents, the frequency and positivity of “media moments” were associated with greater support for their teen’s identity. For teens, positivity (but not frequency) of such moments was associated with perceptions of more parental support for their identity.


共享媒体时刻的相互社交:美国 LGBTQ 青少年和他们的父母协商身份支持

社会关系理论提出,孩子和父母相互交往,尤其是当知识、信仰和身份存在分歧时。对于有女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性人、酷儿 (LGBTQ) 青少年的家庭,与身份相关的媒体描述可能会引发相互社交的时刻,包括试图调解彼此对青少年身份的看法和讨论。来自 200 名 LGBTQ 青少年(13-18 岁)和他们的一位父母的美国数据表明,83% 的二人报告媒体内容引发了与身份相关的对话。青少年和父母都认为青少年比父母更频繁地进行调解,尽管潜在的个人资料分析表明了不同的二元个人资料。尽管所有的青少年都向他们的父母出柜,但那些对身份更加确定的人参与并接受了更频繁的调解。对于父母来说,“媒体时刻”的频率和积极性与对青少年身份的更大支持有关。对于青少年来说,这种时刻的积极性(但不是频率)与父母对他们身份的更多支持的看法有关。