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Evaluating the "Optimal Competition Parenting Workshop" Using the RE-AIM Framework: A 4-Year Organizational-Level Intervention in British Junior Tennis.
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-18 , DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2022-0080
Sam N Thrower 1 , Christopher M Spray 2 , Chris G Harwood 2

The purpose of the current study was to utilize the RE-AIM (i.e., reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance) framework to evaluate the national-level scale-out of the Lawn Tennis Association's "Optimal Competition Parenting Workshop" (OCPW) across a 4-year period. During 2018, 65 workshops were run across the United Kingdom, 1,043 parents registered, and 933 parents attended. Adopting a quasi-experimental design, multilevel analyses revealed significant increases in parents' (n = 130) task goal orientation and competition tennis parenting efficacy, as well as significant decreases in ego goal orientation and unpleasant emotions. Children's perceptions of both mother- and father-initiated ego-involving motivational climate and their own ego goal orientation significantly decreased across time. From 2019 to 2021, a further 64 workshops were delivered to 1,110 parents with no significant differences in parents' satisfaction, enjoyment, instructor evaluation, or transfer intention over time when compared against workshop evaluations in 2018. Overall, the OCPW represents a well-received, practical, and effective brief intervention for enhancing parental involvement in junior tennis.


使用 RE-AIM 框架评估“最佳竞争育儿研讨会”:对英国青少年网球进行为期 4 年的组织级干预。

本研究的目的是利用 RE-AIM(即达到、有效性、采用、实施和维护)框架来评估草地网球协会“最佳竞争育儿研讨会”(OCPW)的国家级扩展) 跨越 4 年。2018 年,英国各地举办了 65 场研讨会,1,043 名家长注册,933 名家长参加。采用准实验设计,多层次分析显示父母 (n = 130) 任务目标导向和网球比赛育儿效能显着增加,自我目标导向和不愉快情绪显着降低。随着时间的推移,儿童对由母亲和父亲发起的涉及自我的动机氛围和他们自己的自我目标取向的看法显着下降。