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How does climate affect the topography in tectonically active orogens
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-19 , DOI: 10.1002/esp.5547
Xiaofei Hu 1 , Yanan Zhang 1 , Jiaqi Guo 1 , Baotian Pan 1

A central theme in geomorphology is the quantitative determination of the relationship between topography and its controlling factors, such as tectonics, lithology, and climate. However, rather than relief and slope, channel steepness (ksn) is a more effective metric for topography, and together with the abundance of beryllium-10 (10Be) erosion rate data, it provides a more convenient means of quantitatively revealing the relationship between topography and its driving factors. A power-law relationship between ksn and 10Be erosion rates has been widely demonstrated, which indicates the dominant control of tectonics on topography, while the dominant control of climate has not been clearly revealed. In this study we selected nine tectonically active regions, comprising 241 catchments, covering a wide range of mean annual precipitation values, and by extracting ksn values and hypsometric curves, we obtained the relationship between ksn and erosion rates. The results show that the power-law relationship differs between regions, largely due to differences in the erosion coefficient, K. After separating the influences of lithology and climate, we found that although soft sedimentary rocks will increase the erosion coefficient, precipitation plays the main role in controlling the erosion coefficient, resulting in a linear relationship between precipitation and K. This relationship clearly demonstrates the occurrence of higher relief under a drier climate, even with similar rates of tectonic uplift.



地貌学的一个中心主题是定量确定地形与其控制因素(如构造、岩性和气候)之间的关系。然而,相对于起伏和坡度,河道陡度 ( k sn ) 是更有效的地形指标,与丰度的铍 10 ( 10 Be) 侵蚀率数据一起,它提供了一种更方便的定量揭示关系的方法地形及其驱动因素之间。k sn10之间的幂律关系Be 侵蚀率已被广泛证明,这表明构造对地形的主导控制,而气候的主导控制尚未明确揭示。在这项研究中,我们选择了 9 个构造活跃区域,包括 241 个流域,涵盖了广泛的年平均降水值范围,并通过提取k sn值和测压曲线,我们获得了k sn与侵蚀率之间的关系。结果表明,区域之间的幂律关系不同,主要是由于侵蚀系数K的差异. 分离岩性和气候的影响后,我们发现虽然软质沉积岩会增加侵蚀系数,但降水对侵蚀系数起主要控制作用,导致降水与K呈线性关系。这种关系清楚地表明在较干燥的气候下会出现更高的地势,即使构造抬升的速度相似。