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Heterostructuring 2D Co2P nanosheets with 0D CoP via a salt-assisted strategy for boosting hydrogen evolution from ammonia borane hydrolysis
Nano Research ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s12274-023-5388-5
Chao Wan , Xiaoling Liu , Jiapei Wang , Fengqiu Chen , Dang-Guo Cheng

Ammonia borane (NH3BH3, AB) holds promise for chemical storage of hydrogen. However, designing superb and low-cost photocatalyst to drive hydrogen evolution from AB under visible light irradiation is highly desirable but remains a major challenge for promoting the practical utilization of AB. Herein, we demonstrated a heterostructure photocatalyst consisting of zero-dimensional (0D) CoP nanoparticles immobilized on two-dimensional (2D) Co2P nanosheets (CoP/Co2Ps) as a high-performance and low-cost catalyst for hydrogen evolution from AB hydrolysis, in which 0D/2D heterostructure was synthesized using the salt-induced phase transformation strategy. Interestingly, the optimized CoP/Co2Ps exhibit a robust H2 evolution rate of 32.1 L·min−1·gCo−1, corresponding to a turnover frequency (TOF) value of 64.1 min−1, being among the highest TOF for non-noble-metal catalysts ever reported, even outperforming some precious metal catalysts. This work not only opens a new avenue to accelerate hydrogen evolution from AB by regulating the electronic structures of heterointerfaces, but also provides a novel strategy for the construction of precious-metal-free materials for hydrogen-related energy catalysis in the future.


通过盐辅助策略构建具有 0D CoP 的 2D Co2P 纳米片,以促进氨硼烷水解产生的氢气

氨硼烷 (NH 3 BH 3 , AB) 有望用于化学储氢。然而,设计卓越且低成本的光催化剂以在可见光照射下驱动 AB 析氢是非常可取的,但仍然是促进 AB 实际利用的主要挑战。在此,我们展示了一种由固定在二维 (2D) Co 2 P 纳米片 (CoP/Co 2 Ps) 上的零维 (0D) CoP 纳米粒子组成的异质结构光催化剂,作为一种高性能和低成本的氢析出催化剂。 AB 水解,其中使用盐诱导相变策略合成 0D/2D 异质结构。有趣的是,优化后的 CoP/Co 2 Ps 表现出强大的 H2的放出速率为 32.1 L·min -1 ·g Co -1,对应的转换频率 (TOF) 值为 64.1 min -1,是迄今为止报道的非贵金属催化剂中最高的 TOF,甚至超过了一些珍贵的催化剂金属催化剂。这项工作不仅为通过调节异质界面的电子结构来加速AB的析氢开辟了一条新途径,而且为未来构建用于氢相关能源催化的无贵金属材料提供了一种新的策略。
