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1,4-Azaborine based unfused non-fullerene acceptors for organic solar cells
Journal of Materials Chemistry A ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-16 , DOI: 10.1039/d2ta09188g
Shihao Chen 1 , Minghao Dong 1 , Yuanqing Bai 1 , Yuting Chen 1 , Yuang Fu 2 , Lin Shao 1 , Xinhui Lu 2 , Chunchen Liu 1 , Kai Zhang 1 , Hongbin Wu 1 , Fei Huang 1

1,4-Azaborine, containing both boron and nitrogen in an aromatic hydrocarbon, displays unique electronic properties compared with its all-carbon analogue and shows great potential as a multiresonant thermally activated delayed fluorescence material. However, conjugated molecules featuring 1,4-azaborine for organic solar cells (OSCs) have not yet been explored. In this study, two novel acceptor–donor–acceptor (A–D–A) conjugated molecules, ABBT-BO and ABBT-DT, using dithieno-1,4-azaborine as the core D unit have been designed and synthesized. Both molecules exhibited excellent solubility, strong and broad absorption and appropriate energy levels, enabling them to be promising candidates for non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs). It was found that the shorter alkyl chain of ABBT-BO could endow the device with superior morphology, resulting in more sufficient exciton dissociation, improved carrier transport and suppressed charge recombination. Impressively, PM6:ABBT-BO based OSCs achieved a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 10.07% with an open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 0.900 V, a short-circuit current density (JSC) of 16.41 mA cm−2, and a fill factor (FF) of 68.16%, which is the highest efficiency reported for NFAs featuring BN-heteroarenes. This work demonstrates the significant potential of 1,4-BN-heteroarenes for constructing novel NFAs toward high-performance OSCs.


用于有机太阳能电池的基于 1,4-氮杂硼烷的未稠合非富勒烯受体

1,4-Azaborine 在芳烃中同时含有硼和氮,与其全碳类似物相比,显示出独特的电子特性,并显示出作为多共振热激活延迟荧光材料的巨大潜力。然而,尚未探索用于有机太阳能电池 (OSC) 的以 1,4-氮硼烷为特征的共轭分子。在这项研究中,设计并合成了两种新型受体-供体-受体 (A–D–A) 共轭分子ABBT-BOABBT-DT,它们使用二噻吩并-1,4-氮硼烷作为核心 D 单元。这两种分子都表现出优异的溶解性、强而广泛的吸收和适当的能量水平,使它们成为非富勒烯受体 (NFA) 的有前途的候选者。发现ABBT-BO的较短烷基链可以赋予器件优异的形态,导致更充分的激子解离,改善载流子传输并抑制电荷复合。令人印象深刻的是,基于PM6 : ABBT-BO的 OSC 实现了 10.07% 的功率转换效率 (PCE),开路电压 ( V OC ) 为 0.900 V,短路电流密度 ( J SC ) 为 16.41 mA cm -2,填充因子 (FF) 为 68.16%,这是报道的具有 BN-杂芳烃的 NFA 的最高效率。这项工作展示了 1,4-BN-杂芳烃在构建新型 NFA 以实现高性能 OSC 方面的巨大潜力。