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Implementation Factors and Their Influence on Student Mathematics Outcomes
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-07 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12298
Tasia Brafford 1 , Beth Harn 2 , Ben Clarke 3 , Christian T. Doabler 1 , Derek Kosty 4 , Kathleen Scalise 2

Assessing implementation allows for a better understanding of an intervention's effects and the mechanisms that influence its impact. Two main areas of implementation are (a) the quality with which an intervention is delivered and (b) instructors’ adherence to the programmed intervention. The current study used data from a kindergarten mathematics intervention program to (a) examine if and how treatment adherence was associated with implementation quality and (b) explore implementation measures’ relation to student mathematics outcomes. Results indicated high implementation scores across time for both adherence and quality. Neither treatment adherence nor implementation quality was found to relate to a general outcome measure of student mathematics achievement; however, both were similarly related to the curricular-aligned measure.



评估实施可以更好地理解干预的效果和影响其影响的机制。实施的两个主要领域是 (a) 提供干预的质量和 (b) 教师对计划干预的坚持。当前的研究使用来自幼儿园数学干预计划的数据来 (a) 检查治疗依从性是否以及如何与实施质量相关,以及 (b) 探索实施措施与学生数学成绩的关系。结果表明,随着时间的推移,依从性和质量的实施得分很高。治疗依从性和实施质量均未被发现与学生数学成绩的一般结果测量相关;然而,两者都与课程对齐措施类似。