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On the Reactivity of 2-Methylene-3-quinuclidinone in Water
Heterocycles ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-10 , DOI: 10.3987/com-22-14797
Lars Hagberg , Rune Ringom , Tim Blizzard , Corine Sandström , Per H. Svensson

The biologically active Michael acceptor 2-methylene-3-quinuclidinone (MQ) has a unique chemical reactivity and forms several products upon dissolution in water. With the use of X-ray, NMR and LCMS data the structures of two previously incorrectly characterised compounds are rectified. A complex equilibrium in water, containing novel dimeric species of MQ, and its dependence on temperature, pH and concentration is presented.



具有生物活性的迈克尔受体 2-亚甲基-3-奎宁环酮 ( MQ ) 具有独特的化学反应性,在水中溶解后形成多种产物。通过使用 X 射线、NMR 和 LCMS 数据,纠正了两种先前错误表征的化合物的结构。提出了水中复杂的平衡,其中包含MQ的新型二聚体及其对温度、pH 和浓度的依赖性。