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THz generation by propagating lasers through magnetized SWCNTs
Indian Journal of Physics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s12648-022-02575-x
Vishal Thakur , Shivani Vij , Niti Kant , Sandeep Kumar

In the present manuscript, a theoretical analysis of terahertz (THz) generation by propagating continuous wave Gaussian laser beams of slightly different angular frequencies \(\left({\omega }_{1}, {\omega }_{2}\right)\) and corresponding wavenumbers \(\left({k}_{1}, {k}_{2}\right)\) in the array of magnetized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is provided. The static magnetic field is applied transverse to the length of SWCNTs with the purpose to magnetize the SWCNTs. The nonlinear variation in the restoration force experienced by the electrons of SWCNTs makes these SWCNTs anharmonic SWCNTs. This anharmonicity in the SWCNTs makes its contribution to the reasonable enhancement of the THz generation. In addition to that, the external magnetic field also proves its utility in the enhancement of the normalized THz amplitude of emitted THz radiation by increasing the nonlinearities of the SWCNTs. In this way, we can generate well-enhanced THz radiation at resonance point \(\omega ={\omega }_{\mathrm{P}}\sqrt{0.2\left(1+\beta \right)+({\omega }_{\mathrm{c}}^{2}/{\omega }_{\mathrm{P}}^{2}})\), where \(\beta\) is known as characteristic parameter associated with SWCNTs. \({\upomega }_{\mathrm{P}}\) and \({\upomega }_{\mathrm{c}}\) are the plasma and cyclotron frequencies of the electrons of SWCNTs, respectively.



在本手稿中,对通过传播角频率略有不同的连续波高斯激光束\(\left({\omega }_{1}, {\omega }_{2}\right ) 产生太赫兹 (THz) 的理论分析)\)和相应的波数\(\left({k}_{1}, {k}_{2}\right)\)提供了磁化单壁碳纳米管 (SWCNT) 阵列。横向于 SWCNT 的长度施加静态磁场,目的是磁化 SWCNT。单壁碳纳米管的电子所经历的恢复力的非线性变化使这些单壁碳纳米管成为非谐单壁碳纳米管。单壁碳纳米管中的这种非谐性有助于合理增强太赫兹的产生。除此之外,外部磁场还证明了它在通过增加单壁碳纳米管的非线性来增强发射的太赫兹辐射的归一化太赫兹振幅方面的效用。这样,我们就可以在共振点\(\omega ={\omega }_{\mathrm{P}}\sqrt{0.2\left(1+\beta \right)+({\欧米茄 }_{\mathrm{c}}^{2}/{\omega }_{\mathrm{P}}^{2}})\),其中\(\beta\)被称为与 SWCNT 相关的特征参数。\({\upomega }_{\mathrm{P}}\)\({\upomega }_{\mathrm{c}}\)分别是单壁碳纳米管电子的等离子体和回旋频率。
