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What Science Leaves Unsaid: A Reconsideration in 2 Voices
Advances in Nursing Science ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-10 , DOI: 10.1097/ans.0000000000000476
Geraldine Gorman 1 , Shirley Stephenson

At a time when new and veteran nurses are fleeing the profession and the term resilience is as worn out as the workers it is meant to inspire, scholars and educators must excavate the intuitive and creative core of nursing. Science addresses facts but lacks language for nuance. This article asserts that nursing, which lags behind medicine in appreciating the value of its stories, must recognize the essential diversity the humanities bring to our understanding of the human condition. As workforce deficits, moral distress, and vicarious trauma proliferate, a consilience between the art and science of nursing and a reminder of their ability to potentiate one another are overdue.



