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Empirical research on policy integration: a review and new directions
Policy Sciences ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s11077-022-09489-9
Philipp Trein , Manuel Fischer , Martino Maggetti , Francesco Sarti

Research on policy integration has become an important part of public policy scholarship by analyzing how policymakers create linkages between policy subsystems to deal with complex policy problems. To develop this research program further, it is crucial to know how policy integration relates to broader theoretical and methodological developments in the field of public policy studies. This article reviews the empirical literature on policy integration in the last 10 years focusing on concepts, theories, research design, and methods, drawing upon a sample of 413 articles. Results show no systematic patterns in how these four dimensions combine in policy integration research. Above all, stages and theories of the policy process appear to be incorporated in policy integration studies only to a very limited extent. These findings point to four new directions for policy integration research: (1) Striking a balance between conceptual richness and consolidation regarding “policy integration”; (2) An increased focus on the evaluation of integrated policies; (3) More attention to actor-oriented and explanatory theories; (4) The potential for combining qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis.



通过分析政策制定者如何在政策子系统之间建立联系以处理复杂的政策问题,政策整合研究已成为公共政策学术的重要组成部分。为了进一步发展这一研究项目,了解政策整合如何与公共政策研究领域更广泛的理论和方法论发展相关是至关重要的。本文回顾了过去 10 年政策一体化的实证文献,重点关注概念、理论、研究设计和方法,选取了 413 篇文章作为样本。结果表明,政策整合研究中这四个维度如何结合并没有系统的模式。最重要的是,政策过程的阶段和理论似乎只在非常有限的程度上纳入政策整合研究。这些发现为政策整合研究指明了四个新方向:(1)在“政策整合”的概念丰富性与整合性之间寻求平衡; (2) 更加注重综合政策评估; (3)更加注重行动者导向和解释性理论; (4) 数据分析的定性和定量方法相结合的潜力。
