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Interplay of Dual-Proton Transfer Relay to Achieve Full-Color Panel Luminescence in Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer (ESIPT) Fluorophores
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c20129
Shao-Zhe Yi 1 , Bao-Ning Li 2 , Peng-Yan Fu 1 , Mei Pan 1 , Cheng-Yong Su 1

A new design was applied for the facile synthesis of pure organic photoluminescent molecules with dual excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) sites. In this novel class of emitters, full-color panel emission from blue, green, and yellow to red, including white light, can be achieved in different solvents as modulated by the enol–keto(1st)–keto(2nd) tautomer emissions. A comprehensive transient photophysical study verifies that keto(1st) and keto(2nd) have a precursor (<0.8 ps)–successor (∼20 ps)-relayed absorbance relationship, and then a fast equilibrium between the two is established, resulting in dual emissions in the nanosecond scale (∼1900 ps). Through the research on copper ions’ selective PL response, the dual-ESIPT mechanism was further verified; in addition, the study of solid-state PL changes upon the stimulus of organic vapor manifests the potential application sensitivity of the molecules as dual-ESIPT sensors. Theoretical results including reaction potential energy surface analyses manifest the fact that dual-proton transfer goes along a sequential route with a smaller energy barrier, firmly supporting the experimental results. An intrinsic system that undergoes intramolecular double proton relayed transfer is thus established for the achievement of much broadened optical responses and full-color display, providing reference for the design and application of advanced dual-ESIPT optical materials.


双质子转移继电器的相互作用在激发态分子内质子转移 (ESIPT) 荧光团中实现全色面板发光

一种新的设计被用于轻松合成具有双激发态分子内质子转移 (ESIPT) 位点的纯有机光致发光分子。在这种新型发射器中,可以在不同溶剂中实现从蓝色、绿色和黄色到红色的全彩色面板发射,包括白光,由烯醇-酮(1st)-酮(2nd)互变异构体发射调制。一项全面的瞬态光物理研究证实 keto(1st) 和 keto(2nd) 具有前体(<0.8 ps)-后继(~20 ps)-中继吸光度关系,然后在两者之间建立快速平衡,从而产生双重纳秒级排放(~1900 ps)。通过对铜离子选择性PL响应的研究,进一步验证了双ESIPT机制;此外,对有机蒸气刺激下固态 PL 变化的研究表明分子作为双 ESIPT 传感器的潜在应用敏感性。包括反应势能面分析在内的理论结果表明,双质子转移沿着具有较小能垒的连续路径进行,有力地支持了实验结果。从而建立了分子内双质子中继转移的本征体系,以实现更宽的光学响应和全彩色显示,为先进双ESIPT光学材料的设计和应用提供参考。包括反应势能面分析在内的理论结果表明,双质子转移沿着具有较小能垒的连续路径进行,有力地支持了实验结果。从而建立了分子内双质子中继转移的本征体系,以实现更宽的光学响应和全彩色显示,为先进双ESIPT光学材料的设计和应用提供参考。包括反应势能面分析在内的理论结果表明,双质子转移沿着具有较小能垒的连续路径进行,有力地支持了实验结果。从而建立了分子内双质子中继转移的本征体系,以实现更宽的光学响应和全彩色显示,为先进双ESIPT光学材料的设计和应用提供参考。