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Employee voice on social media — An affordance lens
International Journal of Management Reviews ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-05 , DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12326
Maria Khan 1, 2 , Paula K. Mowbray 1 , Adrian Wilkinson 1, 3

Voice mechanisms in organizations provide an opportunity for employees to have a say about their work. As new digital mechanisms, such as social media (SM), are being increasingly adopted by organizations for knowledge sharing, employee engagement and general communication, it is important to consider the extent to which SM may facilitate employee voice. The limited attempts to examine SM and employee voice have mostly focused on identifying the contextual factors that could promote constructive voice on SM. The extant literature does not explore how SM features may (or may not) facilitate all types of voice, such as those which promote employee interests. Adopting an affordance lens, this paper answers the call of voice scholars to explore the potential of SM as a voice mechanism by discussing the perceived value of different SM features for different types of employee voice content. The paper brings together SM and voice literature and explores how different SM affordances may potentially facilitate certain voice content more so over others. In doing so, future directions for research of voice on SM are also discussed.



组织中的发言权机制为员工提供了对其工作发表意见的机会。随着社交媒体 (SM) 等新的数字机制越来越多地被组织用于知识共享、员工参与和一般沟通,因此考虑 SM 在多大程度上促进员工表达意见非常重要。检查 SM 和员工声音的有限尝试主要集中在识别可以促进 SM 建设性声音的背景因素。现有文献并未探讨 SM 功能如何(或不)促进所有类型的声音,例如那些促进员工利益的声音。采用可供性镜头,本文响应语音学者的号召,通过讨论不同 SM 特征对不同类型员工语音内容的感知价值,探索 SM 作为语音机制的潜力。本文汇集了 SM 和语音文献,并探讨了不同的 SM 可供性如何可能比其他内容更能促进某些语音内容。在此过程中,还讨论了 SM 语音研究的未来方向。