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“How Do You Knit Together Two Parts of a Single Life Lived Decades Apart?”: Reentry Planning of Juvenile Lifers
American Journal of Criminal Justice ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s12103-022-09722-4
Melanie Taylor

Those sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole as juveniles were recently granted opportunities for release when the Supreme Court ruled that they must be retroactively reprocessed. This is a population that was never expected to be released from prison, resulting in minimal reentry programming and treatment. Now that many are preparing for release it is unclear if they are ready to reenter their communities. In the current study, 123 juvenile lifers discussed their preparation for reentry and expectations for release. Findings indicate that they plan to depend largely upon family and spouses for support; that they are attempting to prepare themselves for entry in a variety of ways, but many have been prevented from programming; and most have modest career and educational goals, but some have ambitious plans for release. This study is an important first step in understanding how juvenile lifers will reenter their communities.



最高法院裁定,那些在青少年时期被判处无期徒刑且不得假释的人最近获得了释放的机会,因为最高法院裁定必须对他们进行追溯性重新处理。这是一群从未被期望从监狱释放的人,导致重返监狱的规划和治疗最少。现在许多人正在准备释放,目前尚不清楚他们是否准备好重新进入社区。在当前的研究中,123 名少年终身监禁者讨论了他们重返社会的准备和释放的期望。调查结果表明,他们计划主要依靠家人和配偶的支持;他们正在尝试以各种方式为进入做好准备,但许多人无法进行编程;大多数人都有适度的职业和教育目标,但也有一些人有雄心勃勃的发布计划。这项研究是了解青少年生活者如何重新进入社区的重要第一步。
