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The economic inequality as normative information model (EINIM)
European Review of Social Psychology ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-05 , DOI: 10.1080/10463283.2022.2160555
Ángel Sánchez-Rodríguez 1 , Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón 2 , Guillermo B. Willis 3


This paper presents a new model that aims to contribute to the growing literature about the consequences of economic inequality: the economic inequality as normative information ƒmodel (EINIM). In short, we argue that the level of economic inequality works as a cue that people use to infer the normative climate in a given society – for example, the common features that define individuals, societal attitudes, or institutions. Inferring these norms can potentially guide individuals’ thoughts, emotions, and behaviours; alternatively, people may not comply with the normative climate because they do not identify with such society. We therefore analyse the factors influencing conformity with inequality – normative information. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the EINIM as well as new avenues for research.




本文提出了一个新模型,旨在为越来越多的关于经济不平等后果的文献做出贡献:作为规范信息的经济不平等模型(EINIM)。简而言之,我们认为经济不平等程度可以作为人们用来推断特定社会规范氛围的线索——例如,定义个人、社会态度或机构的共同特征。推断这些规范可能会指导个人的思想、情感和行为;或者,人们可能不遵守规范氛围,因为他们不认同这样的社会。因此,我们分析了影响不平等符合性的因素——规范信息。我们讨论 EINIM 的理论和实践意义以及新的研究途径。
