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Pogroms in Kraków in 1918 and 1945: Historical analysis
Conflict Resolution Quarterly ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-30 , DOI: 10.1002/crq.21368
Anna Cichopek‐Gajraj 1

What can a temporal comparison of two pogroms in the same city in the wake of two vastly different military conflicts reveal about context and function of anti-Jewish violence? What can it tell us about historical continuity and change? These questions frame the history below which focuses on two pogroms in the city of Kraków on April 16, 1918, and August 11, 1945. This article argues that in both cases perpetrators perceived the state as failing to meet their basic economic, national, and moral expectations after the wars which left political and social chaos, economic ruin, and dismal law and order. To address the state's failings and restore the “moral balance,” the perpetrators targeted the Jews whom they perceived as the state's beneficiaries. After the Second World War, the violence only intensified when the medieval myth of ritual murder reemerged, and Jewish women and children became the targets of aggression. This change can only be explained by the specific context of WWII when redemptive antisemitism of Nazi propaganda and the daily practice of genocide stripped Jews of the remains of their humanity thus marking them as the ultimate threat to Polish survival.


1918 年和 1945 年克拉科夫大屠杀:历史分析

在两次截然不同的军事冲突之后,对同一城市发生的两次大屠杀进行时间比较可以揭示什么反犹太暴力的背景和作用?它能告诉我们关于历史的连续性和变化的什么信息?这些问题构成了下面的历史,重点关注 1918 年 4 月 16 日和 1945 年 8 月 11 日发生在克拉科夫市的两起大屠杀。本文认为,在这两起案件中,肇事者都认为国家未能满足其基本的经济、民族和社会需要。战后的道德期望留下了政治和社会混乱、经济废墟以及惨淡的法律和秩序。为了解决国家的缺陷并恢复“道德平衡”,肇事者将目标瞄准了他们认为是国家受益者的犹太人。第二次世界大战后,当中世纪仪式谋杀的神话重新出现时,暴力只会加剧,犹太妇女和儿童成为侵略的目标。这种变化只能用二战的具体背景来解释,当时纳粹宣传的救赎性反犹太主义和日常的种族灭绝实践剥夺了犹太人残余的人性,从而将他们标记为对波兰生存的最终威胁。