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The scientific discourse circulated during a national-populist commemoration: Dannunzian Fiume and the ‘Italo-cosmopolitan’ field of history
Modern Italy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-04 , DOI: 10.1017/mit.2022.54
Christian Lamour

In today's Europe, commemorations can be times at which to affirm international reconciliation, based notably on the knowledge produced by historians who are becoming progressively cosmopolitan. However, commemorations are also used by national-populist political parties for electoral purposes and can lead to tensions with neighbouring states. This was the case in Trieste in September 2019, when the city council executive (controlled by a right-wing national-populist coalition) decided to erect a statue of Gabriele D'Annunzio, 100 years after he had occupied the nearby city of Fiume (now Rijeka) in Croatia. This commemoration led to a series of debates among historians, especially in Italy. Based on a critical discourse analysis and an interdiscursive approach to narratives produced by historians for colleagues and for the broader society, the current research investigates the use of cosmopolitanism in the field of history when in parallel a commemoration is coordinated by national-populist forces in a public space.



在今天的欧洲,纪念活动可以成为确认国际和解的时刻,特别是基于日益国际化的历史学家所创造的知识。然而,纪念活动也被民族民粹主义政党用于选举目的,并可能导致与邻国的紧张关系。2019 年 9 月的里雅斯特就是这种情况,当时市议会执行官(由右翼民族民粹主义联盟控制)决定在 Gabriele D'Annunzio 占领附近城市阜姆 100 年后竖立一座雕像(现在的里耶卡)在克罗地亚。这次纪念活动引发了历史学家之间的一系列争论,尤其是在意大利。基于批判性话语分析和历史学家为同事和更广泛的社会创作的叙事的跨话语方法,