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Restorative justice programs and practices in juvenile justice: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis for effectiveness
Criminology & Public Policy ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-27 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12613
Catherine S. Kimbrell 1 , David B. Wilson 1 , Ajima Olaghere 2

Restorative justice (RJ) in practice has taken on many different forms. It is argued that RJ does not have definitional boundaries, making it hard to limit its essence to that of a particular program, practice, philosophy, or outcome. Therefore, this study's objective was to systematically review and statistically synthesize all available research on RJ programs and related programs and practices using meta-analytic methods. Our updated systematic search and meta-analysis identified a total of 57 unique studies including 79 evaluations (including 18 random assignment and 61 quasi-experimental designs). We extracted a total of 631 effect sizes related to delinquency, non-delinquency, and victim outcomes. The results of our meta-analysis showed that RJ programs and practices are associated with a small-to-moderate and statistically significant reduction in future delinquent behavior relative to more traditional juvenile justice responses (g = 0.23, 95% CI [0.14, 0.32]). Nevertheless, results were smaller for the more rigorous random assignment studies and nonsignificant, raising concerns about the robustness of this finding. Our most promising findings, however, were for the victim and non-delinquency outcomes.



实践中的恢复性司法 (RJ) 采取了许多不同的形式。有人认为 RJ 没有定义界限,因此很难将其本质限制在特定项目、实践、哲学或结果中。因此,本研究的目标是使用荟萃分析方法系统地回顾和统计综合所有关于 RJ 计划和相关计划和实践的可用研究。我们更新的系统搜索和荟萃分析共确定了 57 项独特的研究,包括 79 项评估(包括 18 项随机分配和 61 项准实验设计)。我们总共提取了 631 个与犯罪、非犯罪和受害者结果相关的效应量。g  = 0.23,95% CI [0.14,0.32])。然而,更严格的随机分配研究的结果较小且不显着,引发了对该发现的稳健性的担忧。然而,我们最有希望的发现是针对受害人和非犯罪结果。