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Study of the Interfacial Oxidation of InP Quantum Dots Synthesized from Tris(dimethylamino)phosphine
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c20138
Xijian Duan 1, 2, 3 , Jingrui Ma 1, 3 , Wenda Zhang 1, 4 , Pai Liu 1, 2, 3 , Haochen Liu 5 , Junjie Hao 1, 2, 3 , Kai Wang 1, 2, 3 , Lars Samuelson 1, 2, 6 , Xiao Wei Sun 1, 2, 3

InP quantum dots (QDs) are the most competitive in terms of environmentally friendly QDs. However, the synthesis of InP QDs requires breakthroughs in low-cost and safe phosphorus precursors such as tri(dimethylamino)phosphine [(DMA)3P]. It is found that even if the oxygen is completely avoided, there are still oxidation state defects at the core/shell interface of InP QDs. Herein, the record-breaking (DMA)3P-based red InP QDs were synthesized with the assist of HF processing to eliminate the InPOx defect and improve the fluorescence efficiency. The maximum photoluminescence quantum yield was 97.7%, which is the highest of the red InP QDs synthesized by the aminophosphine. The external quantum efficiency and brightness of the QD light-emitting diode device are also improved accordingly from 0.6% and 1276 cd·m–2 to 3.5% and 2355 cd·m–2, respectively.



InP 量子点 (QD) 在环保 QD 方面最具竞争力。然而,InP QD 的合成需要在低成本和安全的磷前体方面取得突破,例如三(二甲基氨基)膦 [(DMA) 3 P]。发现即使完全避免了氧,InP量子点的核/壳界面处仍然存在氧化态缺陷。在此,破纪录的 (DMA) 3 P 基红色 InP 量子点是在 HF 处理的辅助下合成的,以消除 InPO x缺陷并提高荧光效率。最大光致发光量子产率为97.7%,是氨基膦合成的红色InP量子点中最高的。QD发光二极管器件的外量子效率和亮度也相应提高,分别从0.6%和1276 cd·m –2提高到3.5%和2355 cd·m –2