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Robust nonparametric analysis of dynamic profits, prices and productivity: An application to French meat-processing firms
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-28 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbac029
Frederic Ang 1 , Pieter Jan Kerstens 2, 3

Appropriately considering adjustment costs, this paper develops a robust nonparametric framework to analyse profits, prices and productivity in a dynamic context. Dynamic profit change is decomposed into a dynamic Bennet price indicator and a dynamic Bennet quantity indicator. The latter is decomposed into explanatory factors. It is shown to be a superlative indicator for the dynamic Luenberger indicator. The application focuses on 1,638 observations of French meat-processing firms for the years 2012–2019. Using m-out-of-n bootstrapped data envelopment analysis, we obtain robust estimates and confidence intervals. The components of dynamic productivity growth fluctuate substantially. However, these fluctuations are often statistically insignificant.



适当考虑调整成本,本文开发了一个强大的非参数框架来分析动态环境中的利润、价格和生产率。动态利润变化分解为动态班纳特价格指标和动态班纳特数量指标。后者被分解为解释因素。它被证明是动态 Luenberger 指标的最高级指标。该应用程序侧重于 2012 年至 2019 年对法国肉类加工公司的 1,638 次观察。使用 m-out-of-n 自举数据包络分析,我们获得稳健的估计和置信区间。动态生产率增长的组成部分波动很大。然而,这些波动通常在统计上是微不足道的。