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MitoHiFi: a python pipeline for mitochondrial genome assembly from PacBio High Fidelity reads
bioRxiv - Bioinformatics Pub Date : 2023-01-10 , DOI: 10.1101/2022.12.23.521667
Marcela Uliano-Silva , Joao Gabriel R. N. Ferreira , Ksenia Krasheninnikova , Giulio Formenti , Linelle Abueg , James Torrance , Gene W Myers , Richard Durbin , Mark Blaxter , Shane A. McCarthy ,

Background PacBio high fidelity (HiFi) sequencing reads are both long (15-20 kb) and highly accurate (>Q20). Because of these properties, they have revolutionised genome assembly leading to more accurate and contiguous genomes. In eukaryotes the mitochondrial genome is sequenced alongside the nuclear genome often at very high coverage. A dedicated tool for mitochondrial genome assembly using HiFi reads is still missing.


MitoHiFi:用于 PacBio High Fidelity reads 线粒体基因组组装的 python 管道

背景PacBio 高保真 (HiFi) 测序读取既长 (15-20 kb) 又高度准确 (>Q20)。由于这些特性,它们彻底改变了基因组组装,导致更准确和连续的基因组。在真核生物中,线粒体基因组与核基因组一起测序,通常覆盖度非常高。仍然缺少使用 HiFi 读数进行线粒体基因组组装的专用工具。