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The novel chitosan-amphoteric starch dual flocculants for enhanced removal of Microcystis aeruginosa and algal organic matter
Carbohydrate Polymers ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120474
Jingshu Cui 1 , Xiaojun Niu 2 , Dongqing Zhang 3 , Jinling Ma 1 , Xifen Zhu 3 , Xiaoxian Zheng 1 , Zhang Lin 1 , Mingli Fu 1

A novel flocculation strategy for simultaneously removing Microcystis aeruginosa and algal organic matter (AOM) was proposed using chitosan-amphoteric starch (C-A) dual flocculants in an efficient, cost-effective and ecologically friendly way, providing new insights for harmful algal blooms (HABs) control. A dual-functional starch-based flocculant, amphoteric starch (AS) with high anion degree of substitution (DSA) and cation degree of substitution (DSC), was prepared using a cationic moiety of 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTA) coupled with an anion moiety of chloroacetic acid onto the backbone of starch simultaneously. In combination of the results of FTIR, XPS, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, GPC, EA, TGA and SEM, it was evidenced that the successfully synthesized AS with excellent structural characteristics contributed to the enhanced flocculation of M. aeruginosa. Furthermore, the novel C-A dual flocculants could achieve not only the removal of >99.3 % of M. aeruginosa, but also the efficacious flocculation of algal organic matter (AOM) at optimal concentration of (0.8:24) mg/L, within a wide pH range of 3–11. The analysis of zeta potential and cellular morphology revealed that the dual effects of both enhanced charge neutralization and notable netting-bridging played a vital role in efficient M. aeruginosa removal.



使用壳聚糖-两性淀粉 (C-A) 双重絮凝剂,以高效、经济和生态友好的方式提出了一种同时去除铜绿微囊藻和藻类有机物 (AOM) 的新型絮凝策略,为有害藻华 (HAB) 控制提供了新的见解。使用 3-氯-2-羟丙基三甲基氯化铵 (CTA) 的阳离子部分与氯乙酸的阴离子部分同时结合到淀粉主链上,制备了具有高阴离子取代度 (DSA) 和阳离子取代度 (DSC) 的双功能淀粉基絮凝剂两性淀粉 (AS)。结合 FTIR、XPS、1H NMR、13C NMR、GPC、EA、TGA 和 SEM 的结果,证明成功合成的具有优异结构特性的 AS 有助于增强铜绿分枝杆菌的絮凝。此外,新型 C-A 双重絮凝剂不仅可以去除 >99.3% 的铜绿分枝杆菌,还可以在 3-11 的宽 pH 范围内以 (0.8:24) mg/L 的最佳浓度有效絮凝藻类有机物 (AOM)。zeta 电位和细胞形态的分析表明,增强的电荷中和和显着的网状桥接的双重效应在有效去除铜绿分枝杆菌中起着至关重要的作用。