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Seeking connection, autonomy, and emotional feedback: A self-determination theory of self-regulation in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Psychological Review ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-22 , DOI: 10.1037/rev0000398
Rebecca E Champ 1 , Marios Adamou 1 , Barry Tolchard 1

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent and highly debated diagnosis for mental disorder in practice today. Two decades of research have substantially contributed to evolving conceptualizations and understanding of the condition. However, this evolution has not been extended to theoretical research. Current cognitive behavioral-based theories aim to identify the etiology of ADHD and experience challenges in accommodating the full spectrum of both neurobiological and behavioral research evidence. Characterizations historically associated with mental illness have generated public stigma, influencing low self-esteem, negative self-concept, and identity development in ADHD individuals. Neurodiversity research and activism recognize a diversity of nonnormative development and highlight the need for alternatives to deficit models of functioning. Recent research in psychology recommends developing approaches beyond symptom control and seeking to develop positive psychological factors and well-being. We propose that the perspective presented by self-determination theory (SDT) on human motivation, self-regulation, and self-determination offers a new understanding of ADHD research evidence and symptomology. According to this theory, humans have a natural tendency toward growth and self-actualization. We propose a framework grounded in SDT that provides an alternative understanding of ADHD neural processing, motivation and engagement, self-regulation, and a potential foundation for treatment approaches with self-determination and positive identity outcomes. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 是当今实践中最普遍且备受争议的精神障碍诊断之一。二十年的研究极大地促进了概念化和对该病症的理解。然而,这种演变并没有扩展到理论研究。目前基于认知行为的理论旨在确定 ADHD 的病因,并在适应全方位的神经生物学和行为研究证据方面遇到挑战。历史上与精神疾病相关的特征已经产生了公众的耻辱感,影响了 ADHD 个体的低自尊、消极的自我概念和身份发展。神经多样性研究和行动主义认识到非规范发展的多样性,并强调需要替代功能缺陷模型。最近的心理学研究建议开发超越症状控制的方法,并寻求发展积极的心理因素和幸福感。我们提出,自我决定理论 (SDT) 提出的关于人类动机、自我调节和自我决定的观点提供了对 ADHD 研究证据和症状学的新理解。根据这一理论,人类具有成长和自我实现的自然倾向。我们提出了一个以 SDT 为基础的框架,该框架提供了对 ADHD 神经处理、动机和参与、自我调节、以及具有自决和积极认同结果的治疗方法的潜在基础。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。