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What is the role of race in educational psychology? A review of research in Educational Psychologist
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-08 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2022.2137804
Revathy Kumar 1 , Jessica DeCuir-Gunby 2


Acknowledging that educational psychologists should be deliberate in integrating race-related issues in their research, we aim to examine the extent to which articles published in Educational Psychologist issues to date have done so. Based on an iterative search using Boolean/phrase search terms minority, ethnicity, race, culture, equity, justice, racial and ethnic, thirty-one articles (3.2% of all articles published from 1963 to 2022) met the selection criteria, with twelve of these appearing in special issues devoted specifically to race and ethnicity. Review and analyses demonstrated that the articles addressed four major themes, namely: evolving conceptualization of race, ethnicity, and culture; psychological processes; cultural, contextual, and structural factors; and methodology. From 1990 to 2022 there was and is a growing awareness for greater conceptual clarity in defining race and race-related constructs. During this time period, articles reviewed suggest a growing realization of the need to take a more situated perspective and to utilize a broader repertoire of research methods in educational psychology research. No specific trends were observed across articles in the psychological issues discussed in Educational Psychologist. We conclude with recommendations for enabling the journal and the field to become more race-focused for promoting anti-racist education.




承认教育心理学家应该慎重地将与种族相关的问题纳入他们的研究,我们的目的是检查在教育心理学家发表的文章的程度迄今为止的问题已经这样做了。基于使用布尔/短语搜索词少数民族、种族、种族、文化、公平、正义、种族和民族的迭代搜索,31 篇文章(占 1963 年至 2022 年发表的所有文章的 3.2%)符合选择标准,其中 12 篇这些出现在专门针对种族和民族的特刊中。审查和分析表明,这些文章涉及四个主要主题,即:不断发展的种族、民族和文化的概念;心理过程;文化、背景和结构因素;和方法论。从 1990 年到 2022 年,人们越来越意识到在定义种族和与种族相关的结构时概念更加清晰。在这段时间里,审查的文章表明,越来越多的人意识到需要采取更加情境化的视角,并在教育心理学研究中使用更广泛的研究方法。在讨论的心理问题的文章中没有观察到具体趋势教育心理学家。最后,我们提出了使期刊和该领域更加关注种族以促进反种族主义教育的建议。
