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Images & Color: The Strasbourg Printer Johann Schott (1477–1548) and His Circle
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-26 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20220060
Domenico Bertoloni Meli 1

While most Renaissance scholars working on compendia of learning, geography, surgery, legal history, art history, the Reformation, and botany will be familiar with the name of Johann Schott, few have appreciated the range and impact of the Strasbourg printer’s publications. Here I discuss a handful among the over two hundred books and other materials he printed: Gregor Reisch’s Margarita Philosophica; the edition of Ptolemy’s Geographia with Waldseemüller’s maps; Hans von Gersdorff, Feldtbuch der Wundarzney; and – the main focus this essay – Herbarum vivae eicones, with figures by Hans Weiditz and text by Otto Brunfels. Schott can be seen as an architect or active agent of his publications; his innovative use of images and color can be seen as having progressively developed from his early prints to his celebrated herbal.


图像与色彩:斯特拉斯堡印刷商 Johann Schott(1477-1548 年)和他的圈子

虽然大多数从事学术、地理、外科、法律史、艺术史、宗教改革和植物学纲要研究的文艺复兴时期学者都熟悉约翰·肖特的名字,但很少有人欣赏斯特拉斯堡印刷厂出版物的范围和影响。在这里,我讨论了他印刷的 200 多本书和其他材料中的一小部分:Gregor Reisch玛格丽塔哲学; 托勒密的版本地理学使用 Waldseemüller 的地图;汉斯·冯·格斯多夫,世界志; 以及——这篇文章的主要焦点——植物标本, 数字由汉斯·魏迪茨 (Hans Weiditz) 绘制,文字由奥托·布伦费尔斯 (Otto Brunfels) 绘制。肖特可以被视为他的出版物的建筑师或积极代理人;他对图像和颜色的创新使用可以看作是从他早期的版画逐渐发展到他著名的草本植物。