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Environmental impacts of the ultraviolet filter oxybenzone
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160966
Alexis Scheele 1 , Kimberly Sutter 1 , Osman Karatum 1 , Ashley A Danley-Thomson 1 , Lauren K Redfern 1

Organic UV filters are emerging contaminants with increasing evidence of their negative impact on environmental health and water quality. One of the most common and environmentally relevant organic UV filters is oxybenzone (OBZ). While much of the initial focus has been on investigating the interaction of OBZ with coral reefs, there have been several recent studies that indicate that organic UV filters are affecting other environmental endpoints, including marine animals, algae, and plants. OBZ has been found to bioaccumulate in marine animals such as fish and mussels and then potentially acting as an endocrine disruptor. In plants, exposure to OBZ has been associated with decreased photosynthesis, inhibited seed germination, and impaired plant growth. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge regarding the environmental impacts of OBZ and suggest potential future directions.



有机紫外线过滤剂是新兴的污染物,越来越多的证据表明它们对环境健康和水质有负面影响。最常见且与环境相关的有机紫外线过滤剂之一是氧苯酮 (OBZ)。虽然最初的大部分重点是研究 OBZ 与珊瑚礁的相互作用,但最近的几项研究表明,有机紫外线过滤器正在影响其他环境端点,包括海洋动物、藻类和植物。已发现 OBZ 在鱼类和贻贝等海洋动物中生物积累,然后可能充当内分泌干扰物。在植物中,暴露于 OBZ 与光合作用减少、种子发芽受到抑制和植物生长受损有关。在这篇综述中,我们总结了有关 OBZ 环境影响的现状,并提出了潜在的未来方向。