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Comprehensive H2O Molecules Regulation via Deep Eutectic Solvents for Ultra-Stable Zinc Metal Anode
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-19 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202215552
Ming Li 1 , Xuanpeng Wang 2, 3 , Jisong Hu 4 , Jiexin Zhu 1 , Chaojiang Niu 5 , Huazhang Zhang 2 , Cong Li 1 , Buke Wu 6 , Chunhua Han 1 , Liqiang Mai 1, 3

The Zn(TFSI)2-sulfolane-water hybrid electrolytes based on the deep eutectic solvents present an efficient strategy for hydrogen bond network reconstruction and multifunctional interfaces optimization, realizing highly reversible Zn plating/stripping and excellent electrochemical performance.


通过低共熔溶剂对超稳定锌金属阳极进行全面的 H2O 分子调节

基于低共熔溶剂的 Zn(TFSI) 2 -环丁砜-水杂化电解质为氢键网络重构和多功能界面优化提供了一种有效的策略,实现了高度可逆的镀锌/剥离和优异的电化学性能。