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Impact of blockchain and distributed ledger technology for the management, protection, enforcement and monetization of intellectual property: a systematic literature review
Information Systems and E-Business Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10257-022-00579-y
Severin Bonnet , Frank Teuteberg

In an increasingly global, connected, and digital world, the management, protection, enforcement and monetization of intellectual property has never been so challenging and critical at the same time. Challenging because intellectual property, especially in a digital form, can be easily copied, deployed, stolen or misappropriated. Critical because nowadays intellectual property is everywhere, it is present in all areas of economic activities, it enables companies to create competitive moat and its attached monetary value is material. Knowledge should also be openly available; therefore, intellectual property law is basically about finding the right balance between authors´ interests (protection, enforcement, monetization) and users' interests (usage, access). Blockchain and its underlying technology of distributed ledgers has the potential to disrupt the way intellectual properties are managed, protected and monetized. Where the access and distribution of content has been revolutionized by the internet, distributed ledger technology might offer an alternative path helping intellectual property law enter the digital age and address its original intent which is at its core to protect and reward creators, enable open access to knowledge in order to foster innovation. In this paper we conduct a PRISMA guided systematic literature review of 176 scientific publications in the field of blockchain-based management of intellectual property. We use a PESTEL framework to investigate the benefits as well as the limitations of using distributed ledger technology to manage intellectual property. Additionally, we provide recommendations on how the identified challenges can be addressed, as well as future research directions.



在日益全球化、互联化和数字化的世界中,知识产权的管理、保护、执法和货币化从未如此具有挑战性和重要性。具有挑战性,因为知识产权,尤其是数字形式的知识产权,很容易被复制、部署、窃取或盗用。至关重要的是,当今知识产权无处不在,它存在于经济活动的所有领域,它使公司能够创造竞争护城河,并且其附加的货币价值是物质的。知识也应该公开可用;因此,知识产权法基本上是在作者的利益(保护、执法、货币化)和用户的利益(使用、访问)之间找到适当的平衡。区块链及其分布式账本底层技术有可能颠覆知识产权的管理、保护和货币化方式。在互联网彻底改变内容访问和分发的地方,分布式账本技术可能会提供一条替代途径,帮助知识产权法进入数字时代并解决其核心初衷,即保护和奖励创作者,实现开放访问知识,以促进创新。在本文中,我们对基于区块链的知识产权管理领域的 176 篇科学出版物进行了 PRISMA 指导的系统文献综述。我们使用 PESTEL 框架来研究使用分布式账本技术管理知识产权的好处和局限性。此外,
