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Diversity and Community Dynamics of Heterotrophic Flagellates in the Littoral Zone of a Large Plain Reservoir
Biology Bulletin ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-19 , DOI: 10.1134/s1062359022050119
N. G. Kosolapova , E. V. Kuznetsova , D. B. Kosolapov


Over four years in the spring–summer period, the species composition and the community structure of planktonic heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) were studied in different types of littoral waters of the Rybinsk Reservoir (Upper Volga), including those affected by the vital activity of colonial birds. A total of 105 species and forms of HNF from 13 large taxa and a group of uncertain taxonomic position were identified. The taxa Choanoflagellida and Chrysomonadida were represented by the largest number of species in all the littoral zones studied. Fewer species of HNF were recorded in the littoral zone affected by the bird colonies than in areas outside the zones of their influence. The maximum number of species (81) was recorded in the protected overgrown littoral zone, and the minimum (48 species), in the open littoral zone near the heron colony. In the entire littoral area, 35 species were common. Among them, three species (Bodo designis, Paraphysomonas imperforata, and Spumella sp. 1) had a high frequency of occurrence (≥50%). However, the basis of the diversity of the GNF was formed by the species, the frequency of occurrence of which was less than 20%. However, the species the frequency of which was ≤20% were the basis for the diversity of HNF. They made up more than half of the species list in all habitats. The dominant complex of the littoral communities in the reservoir was represented by 19 species.




在春夏期间的四年多时间里,研究了雷宾斯克水库(伏尔加河上游)不同类型的沿岸水域中的浮游异养纳米鞭毛虫 (HNF) 的物种组成和群落结构,包括那些受殖民地重要活动影响的水域鸟类。共鉴定出来自 13 个大分类单元和一组分类位置不确定的 105 个 HNF 物种和形式。在所研究的所有沿海地区中,分类群 Choanoflagellida 和 Chrysomonadida 的物种数量最多。在受鸟群影响的沿海地区,记录到的 HNF 物种比在其影响区之外的地区要少。受保护的杂草丛生的沿岸地区记录到的物种数量最多(81 种),而在苍鹭栖息地附近的开阔沿岸地区记录到的物种数量最少(48 种)。在整个沿岸地区共有35种。其中,三种(Bodo designis、Paraphysomonas imperforataSpumella sp。1)出现频率高(≥50%)。然而,GNF多样性的基础是由物种形成的,其出现频率不到20%。而频率≤20%的物种是HNF多样性的基础。它们占所有栖息地物种列表的一半以上。水库沿岸群落的优势复合体有 19 种。
