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Participatory decision-making in the policy integration process: indigenous consultation and sustainable development in Mexico
Policy Sciences ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11077-022-09487-x
Israel Solorio , Jorge Guzmán , Ixchel Guzmán

This article explores the role of participation by indigenous peoples in Latin America in the political process of Environmental Policy Integration (EPI). Although the benefits of participation have been largely taken for granted, this article shows that participation makes the policy integration process even more complex. By selecting two cases of clean energy infrastructure projects (a wind power plant and a natural gas pipeline) in Mexico, whose policy processes included an indigenous consultation, this article traces the competing problem definitions in public policy debates and the resulting policy frame in relation to sustainable development. The goal is to assess the ways that indigenous consultation functions as a procedural EPI instrument aimed at boosting participation from a public that is largely composed by indigenous communities in the decision-making stage. This article contributes to the existing literature on policy integration in two ways: (1) it explores the role of participation by non-state actors in the policy integration process, especially in highly politicized policy areas such as energy and the environment, and (2) it identifies the limitations of applicability of policy integration literature, particularly in contexts where state–society interactions are radically different compared to Western countries, including Latin American countries inhabited by indigenous groups.



本文探讨了拉丁美洲土著人民参与环境政策一体化(EPI)政治进程中的作用。尽管参与的好处在很大程度上被认为是理所当然的,但本文表明,参与使政策整合过程变得更加复杂。通过选择墨西哥清洁能源基础设施项目(风力发电厂和天然气管道)的两个案例(其政策流程包括土著协商),本文追溯了公共政策辩论中相互竞争的问题定义以及由此产生的与以下方面相关的政策框架:可持续发展。目标是评估土著协商作为程序性 EPI 工具的作用方式,旨在促进主要由土著社区组成的公众参与决策阶段。本文以两种方式对政策整合的现有文献做出了贡献:(1)探讨了非国家行为者参与政策整合过程中的作用,特别是在能源和环境等高度政治化的政策领域,以及(2 )它指出了政策一体化文献的适用性局限性,特别是在国家与社会互动与西方国家(包括土著群体居住的拉丁美洲国家)截然不同的背景下。
