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Screening of Artificial Diet Formulations for Sugarcane Stalk Borer Chilo sacchariphagus Bojer
Sugar Tech ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s12355-022-01232-1
Ji-li Wei , Xue-hong Pan , Xian-kun Shang , Cheng-hua Huang , Yong-lin Ma

Chilo sacchariphagus Bojer is a serious sugarcane stalk borer in China. Screening of artificial diet formulations can provide the foundation for mass rearing indoor and biological research of C. sacchariphagus. Four different artificial diet formulations (I, II, III, IV) were set to feed for C. sacchariphagus. The experiment was carried out in a constant temperature incubator with temperature 26 ± 1 °C, humidity 75 ± 5 °C and photoperiod 14L:10D. The growth and development indexes were observed to determine the best feed formula for C. sacchariphagus. The results showed that the hatching rate, larval survival rate, pupation rate and fecundity of C. sacchariphagus fed with diet III (sugarcane stalk powder 40 g, sweet corn grain 240 g, yeast powder 20 g, agar 16 g, casein 10 g, sucrose 10 g, cholesterol 0.24 g, choline chloride 0.4 g, sorbic acid 1 g, methylparaben 1 g, multidimensional element sheet 1 g, 40% formaldehyde 0.5 ml and distilled water 800 ml) were higher than those of the other three formulas. From the life table parameters, the net reproductive rate (R0), the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and the finite rate of increase (λ) of Formula III were higher than those of the other three formulas. In summary, artificial diet III is more suitable for the growth and development of C. sacchariphagus and can be used as a formula for indoor diet.
