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Efficient selective activation of sorbitol C–O bonds over C–C bonds on CoGa (221) generated by lattice-induction strategy
Nano Research ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s12274-022-5249-7
Ying Kong , Yanru Zhu , Zhe An , Jian Zhang , Xin Shu , Hongyan Song , Qipeng Yuan , Jing He

Sorbitol is a primary platform compound in the conversion of cellulose. The conversion of sorbitol to C6 hydrocarbons requires a complete cleavage of C–O bonds and meanwhile the inhibition of C–C cleavage. Here, we demonstrated an efficient selective cleavage of C–O over C–C bond on the (221) facet of supported CoGa. A selectivity of 94% to C6 hydrocarbon with conversion of 97% has been achieved. The selective C–O cleavage was demonstrated by tuning the exposed facet as (221) or (110). The supported CoGa was prepared simply by reduction of Co and Ga-containing layered double hydroxides (CoZnGaAl-LDHs), and the exposed facets of CoGa crystallites were controlled by tailoring the temperature-programmed rate in the reduction. By reducing CoZnGaAl-LDHs, CoGa (221) was exposed with a temperature-programmed rate of 5 °C/min under the induction of ZnO lattice, while CoGa (110) was exposed with a rate of 10 °C/min.


晶格诱导策略产生的 CoGa (221) 上山梨糖醇 C-O 键对 C-C 键的有效选择性激活

山梨糖醇是纤维素转化中的主要平台化合物。山梨糖醇转化为 C 6烃需要 C-O 键的完全裂解,同时抑制 C-C 裂解。在这里,我们展示了在支持的 CoGa 的 (221) 面上 C-O 在 C-C 键上的有效选择性裂解。对 C 6的选择性为 94%实现了 97% 的碳氢化合物转化率。通过将暴露面调整为 (221) 或 (110) 来证明选择性 C-O 裂解。负载的 CoGa 仅通过还原含 Co 和 Ga 的层状双氢氧化物 (CoZnGaAl-LDHs) 制备,CoGa 微晶的暴露面通过调整还原过程中的程序升温速率来控制。通过还原 CoZnGaAl-LDHs,在 ZnO 晶格的诱导下,CoGa (221) 以 5 °C/min 的升温速率暴露,而 CoGa (110) 以 10 °C/min 的速率暴露。
