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Quantum criticality of excitonic Mott metal-insulator transitions in black phosphorus
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-35567-w
Binjie Zheng 1 , Junzhuan Wang 1 , Qianghua Wang 2 , Xin Su 1 , Tianye Huang 1 , Songlin Li 1 , Fengqiu Wang 1 , Yi Shi 1 , Xiaomu Wang 1

Quantum phase transition refers to the abrupt change of ground states of many-body systems driven by quantum fluctuations. It hosts various intriguing exotic states around its quantum critical points approaching zero temperature. Here we report the spectroscopic and transport evidences of quantum critical phenomena of an exciton Mott metal-insulator-transition in black phosphorus. Continuously tuning the interplay of electron-hole pairs by photo-excitation and using Fourier-transform photo-current spectroscopy as a probe, we measure a comprehensive phase diagram of electron-hole states in temperature and electron-hole pair density parameter space. We characterize an evolution from optical insulator with sharp excitonic transition to metallic electron-hole plasma phases featured by broad absorption and population inversion. We also observe strange metal behavior that resistivity is linear in temperature near the Mott transition boundaries. Our results exemplify an ideal platform to investigating strongly-correlated physics in semiconductors, such as crossover between superconductivity and superfluity of exciton condensation.



