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Neutrinos and their interactions with matter
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics ( IF 14.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2022.104019
M. Sajjad Athar , A. Fatima , S.K. Singh

We have presented a review of the properties of neutrinos and their interactions with matter. The different (anti)neutrino processes like the quasielastic scattering, inelastic production of mesons and hyperons, and the deep inelastic scattering from the free nucleons are discussed, and the results for the scattering cross sections are presented. The polarization observables for the leptons and hadrons produced in the final state, in the case of quasielastic scattering, are also studied. The importance of nuclear medium effects in the low, intermediate, and high energy regions, in the above processes along with the processes of the coherent neutrino–nucleus scattering, coherent meson production, and trident production, has been highlighted. In some cases, the results of the cross sections are also given and compared with the available experimental data as well as with the predictions in the different theoretical models. This study would be helpful in understanding the (anti)neutrino interaction cross section with matter in the few GeV energy region relevant to the next generation experiments like DUNE, Hyper-Kamiokande, and other experiments with accelerator and atmospheric neutrinos. We have emphasized the need of better theoretical models for some of these processes for studying the nuclear medium effects in nuclei.



我们回顾了中微子的特性及其与物质的相互作用。讨论了不同的(反)中微子过程,如准弹性散射、介子和超子的非弹性产生以及自由核子的深度非弹性散射,并给出了散射截面的结果。在准弹性散射的情况下,还研究了在最终状态下产生的轻子和强子的极化可观测量。在上述过程中,低能区、中能区和高能区的核介质效应的重要性以及相干中微子-核散射、相干介子产生和三叉戟产生的过程都得到了强调。在某些情况下,还给出了横截面的结果,并将其与可用的实验数据以及不同理论模型中的预测进行了比较。这项研究将有助于理解(反)中微子与与下一代实验(如 DUNE、Hyper-Kamiokande 以及其他加速器和大气中微子实验)相关的少数 GeV 能量区域中物质的相互作用截面。我们强调需要为其中一些过程建立更好的理论模型,以研究原子核中的核介质效应。以及其他关于加速器和大气中微子的实验。我们强调需要为其中一些过程建立更好的理论模型,以研究原子核中的核介质效应。以及其他关于加速器和大气中微子的实验。我们强调需要为其中一些过程建立更好的理论模型,以研究原子核中的核介质效应。
